Aujourd'hui encore, l'email reste le canal de communication le plus rentable. Chaque euro investi rapporterait en moyenne 39 euros. Le Groupe Radicati, cabinet d'étude technologique, estime que 694 millions d'emails sont envoyés chaque minute. Votre audience est donc sur-sollicitée.
Comment dès lors capter l'attention ? Découvrez dans ce livre blanc des astuces pour améliorer la pertinence de vos campagnes emailing.
Profitez notamment des conseils proposés dans ce livre blanc pour améliorer vos campagnes emailing :
"As mentioned earlier, personalisation is nothing without relevance. But the only way to achieve relevance is through context. Contextual email is about making location, preference and time actionable for personalisation in email communications. Traditional content marketing tactics focus on what is being offered, but that’s only part of what influences consumer behaviour. Marketers also need to layer when, where and how into the equation. It turns out these factors can be derived in real time when an email is opened, easily extracted from existing customer data or integrated from a third party."